We had a good week visiting the grandparents, but I'm glad to be back in San Diego.
Madeleine's separation anxiety really increased during our week away. It may have been from meeting so many new people, or perhaps it's just the age she is. On the six hour drive home yesterday I had to keep my hand on her (difficult in a rear-facing car seat) or she would scream the whole time. Luckily she did sleep for a couple of hours, so my arm and back got a little break.
She was so excited to see Dada last night, and that lasted for all of five minutes before she wanted to be held by me again. Please tell me that this stage goes by quickly.
On Sunday we went to an Animal Fair in Oakhurst. Humphrey participated in two contests, All American Dog and Best Costume. He didn't win anything, but he sure had fun.

With her Great Grandmother, and namesake.
That's a great picture of you, Maddy and Humps. Sounds like a fun weekend!
Sofie still has pretty bad separation anxiety. Some people think it peaks at 12-18 mos, others longer. I think it goes away eventually. ;)
Good to see you guys! Sorry if we overwhelmed her.
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