July 15, 2009

Heading in the Right Direction

I just got Madeleine's latest test results. Everything is down! (that's good).
VMA - 31 (down from 36 last month).
HVA - 36.2 (down from 46 last month).

Normal ranges of these levels in a kid without Neuroblastoma, based on Mad's age and weight, would show a VMA of under 18, and an HVA of under 23.

Remember that these markers measure a chemical that the tumor is putting out. The lower the numbers, the less chemical is present, which means that less of the tumor is immature. In this case immature is bad and mature is good. Hopefully this all means that the tumor is maturing!


Nancy said...

That's great news!

Apryl said...


Kristen said...

YES! So happy to read this great news this morning!

louise said...

wonderful news!

Unknown said...

Amber, Saw your spotlight of our daughter Abigail. Thank you. So happy to hear that Madeleine's most recent test results are good!!! Best, Nancy Marks (Yana's aunt)

Anonymous said...


Adelaide and Harleigh Morris said...

HIPHIP HURRAY FOR LOWER NUMBERS!! This is great news you guys! :D