We survived all of our doctor's appointments this morning and Madeleine is now taking a well deserved nap. I don't know yet what her counts are from her blood labs, they'll probably call later this afternoon.
We took a chance on Madeleine's immune system being healthy this weekend (She is typically okay the first week after chemo, and then drops in the second week) and had a great time visiting with friends from out of town, and in-town friends too. In total there are four girls ages three and a half, twenty one months, nineteen months and our eight month old.
Sofia can't decide whether she wants to hug Madeleine, or hit her on the head - such is the life of a toddler. We had a fun trip to the zoo on Sunday with everyone. It's fun to see the older girls excited about seeing animals. It's weird to see friends from college and realize that there are all these little people around now. I was so excited about getting pictures of all the kids, but unfortunately my camera has died. So, until I can get a new camera, I won't be able to post any new pictures.
In other news, we've decided to move to a house much closer to work for Ryan. He's commuting over an hour now. With Madeleine's continuing treatment it looks like we will be in San Diego for at least another year. We want to remain with the same doctors for as long as possible, especially while she is in active treatment. This is our fifth move in just over six years. I'm not looking forward to packing and moving, but it will be nice for Ryan to be home earlier, and for us to be in a better neighborhood.
Echocardiogram tomorrow. I hate having her be sedated, but I suppose these are important tests.