Last week Mad was having horrible screaming fits at bedtime and it was taking an hour plus every night to get her to go to sleep. After ruling out the worst possibilities I ended up buying a couple of books on sleeping. Before I really got a chance to read them I discovered that she has all four of her first molars coming in. That night I gave her tylenol and her teething medicine and there were no tears. It's amazing to actually find an easy solution to a problem. I'm glad that I got the books though, and we are implementing some of the ideas (earlier bed time, wholesome snack before bed). Also, she is now completely weaned (four days and counting), and we are starting to work on having her sleep the whole night in her own bed. Things are certainly changing around here!
Today we both had a dentist appointment. Even though she is a little young for the dentist her doctors wanted to get her checked out just to make sure that everything was growing in correctly. Chemotherapy can (amongst all of the other damage that it does) cause problems with the teeth. The dentist was able to take a quick look and said that everything looked fine. She also said that her gums look pretty red and swollen where the molars are coming in. I, on the other hand, left the dentist with four cavities and a crown (which I guess was a cavity too). That's what you get for avoiding the dentist for a couple of years!
I've decided to sign up for and run a half-marathon in August. This is something that I've always wanted to do. Now that I'm not going to a million doctor's appointments a week, I actually have the time to go running during the day. I will be following a training plan that I got on the internet, and the training will start the last week of May (which is also the week that we will be on a cruise to Alaska, but the mileage is low that week so I know I can find the time whilst on the ship). I've been running 2-3 miles every couple of days just to get a kind of baseline and get back into running shape before I start training. This blog is not a running blog, but it does make me more accountable for my actions. Being a great believer in The Plan, now that I have written it down, I have to actually do it.
I know that I totally strayed from my topic with that last paragraph, but on my run at the lake last night at sunset, bugs flew into my mouth and teeth. There you have it. The run was beautiful, the having to breath through my shirt, not so much.
I am glad that the Tyenol worked (I find advil works well too). Yay!! for sleeping better I am so happy to hear that is is going better in that area.
Bugs in your freshly cleaned teeth? That sounds like it belongs in an Alanis Morissette song....
Teething sucks. Poor baby. That's awesome news about the half-marathon! I'm excited for you.
You crack me up Amber! Bugs in your teeth are no fun at all. :)
Great news on the sleeping! Those teeth will be in soon and you'll feel much better. Did you get the bathing suit I sent?
Love, Nana
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