There was a great Children's Museum that Madeleine just loved.
Here she is being a scientist.
And painting a VW Bug.
Hiking in Joshua Tree National Park.
Sitting in the "Hookah Corner" with Pop Pop.
This is how we roll, don't forget the sippy cup.
With Aunt Becca and Ed.
The most impressive part of the trip was the tram that we took straight up a mountain. It went from 2,000 to over 8,000 feet in about fifteen minutes. The tram itself had a rotating floor, which allowed you to see the views no matter where you were standing. Once at the top we hiked around in the snow for a little bit.
Tomorrow is a day that I have been looking forward to for over a year. Madeleine gets her line removed! We check in to the hospital at 6am, and the surgery is at 7:30. This is a minor surgery, and we'll probably be home before noon if all goes well. I can't wait to see her without that line. I'm also curious to see how she reacts to having it removed. She knows it's there (obviously), and she's conscious of being careful about not pulling on it.
I'll try to post a line-free picture tomorrow.
Aww her hair is growing back! She just looks adorable!
yeah for tomorrow, I have been wanting to take the girls to the children's museum, that might have to be our next friday outing
Good luck today!!
I didn't realize scientists relied so heavily on scrub brushes ;). But good to see she's on the path to being a fabulous chemist and artist to boot!
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